One long plane ride later and we touched down in Atlanta - our last short and sweet stop before exploring Mexico.
We caught the city at its most gorgeous time of year with the grounds covered in green and the sun shining at a strong 33+ degrees.
We unpacked at Hotel Clermont - an old brick building on the historic Ponce De Leon Avenue with a modern-eclectic interior and to our surprise had a strip bar in its basement with performers of all ages, shapes, and sizes.
With a good night’s rest, we woke ready for a big day with Adrian’s best girlfriend who had recently got engaged and was expecting her first child! Excited to play a role in her journey, we met first thing for breakfast at a Ma and Pa Diner before heading off to shop for wedding dresses.
From there, we indulged in some sightseeing and headed off to the famous Piedmont Park, where we got to cool off from the crazy heat in their extravagant pool, positioned in the heart of the 9,000-square-foot event space.
With our last day approaching, we decided to spend it outlet shopping with a mandatory stop at the infamous fast-food joint - Chick-fil-A, where we sat and enjoyed simply the most tender chicken breast burgers we had ever eaten.
We then ended our quick visit at the rooftop bar of our hotel, overlooking the Atlanta CBD skyline.